Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Son of Rambow

So I have been marinating over this little movie (Son of Rambow)... I saw it on the previews under Netflix and thought I would give it a shot. Jake and I spent the first half of the movie saying- This movie is so weird and then suddenly it changed and we found it hilarious. The language is definitely questionable at times but the story is quietly brilliant. Okay enough of that... our boys have spent this week getting frustrated that they can't walk as well as they want and then falling over. So our living room (a.k.a. the boys' playroom) has changed yet again- this time we have bought a rug and foam padding to give the boys more cushion. Oh and I have had to child proof up another foot. It's a good thing these boys are so fun because they sure can be a lot of work.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this movie in the theaters and really liked it. I thought the first have was just cute and then the second half was a hilarious flashback. I thought it was great. Glad you liked it too. And the boys are already walking before they're one? Wow!
